Guess the Word: I am a 10 Letter Word.

Read the hints given in the riddle carefully and then guess the word. I am a 10 Letters word. The first four suggest power. You eat my 5, 6, 7 and 8. My 8, 9 and 10 represent a female. I can also fly. Who am I? So were you able to solve the riddle? … Read more

Guess the Six Letter Word: I live in the Kitchen

Guess the word from the hints given in the riddle. I’m a 6 letter word. I live in the kitchen. My 6,2,1,4 letter makes a very hard thing. 2 & 3 letters are the same. My 1,3,4,5 letter makes a drink. Reply if u r smart!! So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave … Read more

Whatsapp Riddle: Guess the Name of the Things from the Hints Provided

Here is a real tough one. Got this on Whatsapp and none of my friends were able to solve all five of them. So this one is a challenge for all of you. Try it and if you get the answer post it in the comments section. Riddles 1. It runs, but doesn’t have legs? … Read more