Fun Picture Riddle: Find the Hidden Animal

Animal’s are too good with disguises. You must have seen many animals and their camouflage. It is difficult to really spot them in real but a bit easier in a photograph. See the picture below and find the hidden animal. When you find it share it with your friends on Facebook and WhatsApp. This is a … Read more

Tough Series Riddle: Find the Missing Number

Look at the table and find the logic that connects the numbers to each other. Then, find the missing number in the table 6 4 2 20 8 4 12 2 6 ? 6 8 35 5 10 Share it with your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook.

Math Quiz: What is the result of √4% = ?

Test your math skills with this question and leave your answers in the comment section. What will be the result of the following; √4% = ? Select the answer from the following options; a) 2% b) 0.2 % c) 20 % d) 0.02 % Once you get the answer check your answer below, if you … Read more

WhatsApp Quiz: Find the Value of E; If A =1

In the question the letters are represented as numbers. Look at the pattern and guess the value of E; If, A = 1, B = 4, C = 9, D = 16 Then; E = ? Share it with your friends on Facebook and WhatsApp.