Test your word skills.
These things are commonly found in in the kitchen.
Correct the spelling of these things:
- recook
- nirednets
- alcshaghu
- sarj
- xemir
- asterot
- icevrowem
- himynec
- tisnubd
- awat
- kiraha
- skateb
- pat
- roluf
- nisk
- wneevmoocaivr
- krccirooee
- glhreit
- inesslut
- hriwhebdas
- ursbcbre
- hege
- eiutprRaReiwf
- optenasso
- eiclsrtue
- malfe
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1. Recook: Cooker
2. Nirednets: Dinner set
3. Alcshaghu: Gas Chulha
4. Sarj: Jars
5. Xemir: Mixer
6. Asterot: Toaster
7. Icevrowem: Microwave
8. Himynec: Chimney
9. Tisnubd: Dust bin
10. Awat: Tawa
11. Kiraha: Karahi
12. Skateb: Basket
13. Pat: Tap
14. Roluf: Flour
15. Nisk: Sink
16. Wneevmoocaivr: Microwave Oven
17. Krccirooee: Rice Cooker
18. Glhreit: Lighter
19. Inesslut: Utensils
20. Hriwhebdas: Dishwasher
21. Ursbcbre: Scruber
22. Hege: Ghee
23. EiutprRaReiwf: Water Purifier
24. Optenasso: Teaspoons
25. Eiclsrtue: Cutleries
26. Malfe: Flame