WhatsApp Emoticon Riddle: What is The Girl’s Full Name

Try to answer this…

Let’s see who gets it first

Look at the symbol and guess the name of the girl.

Boy: What is Your name?

Girl: 100+🚰+🚗+🐅+👊=….

What is the girls full name?

This was actually a Marathi Riddle that I received on WhatsApp and I translated it to English.

The original riddle is as follows;

उत्तर देण्याचा प्रयत्न करा

बघू कोण लवकर उत्तर देतय

मुलगा : तुझ नाव काय

मुलगी : 100+🚰+🚗+🐅+👊=….

मुलीचे संपूर्ण नाव सांगा? ….

So the hint to solve this is that it’s a Marathi girl’s name.

Share with your friends on WhatsApp groups and see who is the fastest to answer this emoticon riddle.


The emoticons mean the following;

So-nal + Maruti + Wagh + Mare

So the name of the girl is: Sonal Maruti Waghmare

9 Replies to “WhatsApp Emoticon Riddle: What is The Girl’s Full Name”

  1. The emoticons mean the following;

    So-nal + Maruti + bagh + Mare

    So the name of the girl is: Sonal Maruti baghmare

  2. ++++t++☕+L=…
    यह एक लड़की का पूरा नाम है
    दीमाग हो तो उत्तर दो
    अगर उत्तर दिया तो
    आप ωнαтѕαρρ के boss
    कह लाऐंगे
    प्रश्न ?
    1 दिन का टाइम है answer tis plz

  3. उत्तर देण्याचा प्रयत्न करा
    बघू कोण लवकर उत्तर देतय

    मुलगा : तुझ नाव काय

    मुलगी : 90+++=….

    मुलीचे संपूर्ण नाव सांगा? ….

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