Got this riddle on WhatsApp today, found it interesting so sharing it here. Read the riddle and then put your detective hats on to crack this murder mystery. A known chemical engineer professor was found murdered at his home this morning. The detectives investigated and narrowed it down to six suspects. The names of the … Read more
BrainTeaser: Two Cars Were Involved In An Accident In The Center Of Town
This riddle will surely make you really think. Two cars were involved in an accident in the center of town. The man who was driving a little green car, had overtaken a big black car. The driver had misjudged the distance between him and the on-coming traffic and had to swerve back in, causing the … Read more
Murder Mystery: Why Was Lucy Not Poisoned After Eating The Apple?
Time to put on your detective hats to solve this murder mystery. Lucy invited a prospective victim to lunch. After the lunch they finished off with figs and grapes freshly picked. “Just one apple left”, said Lucy, “I insist you have that. “No”, said the guest, “I couldn’t”. “Tell you what”, said Lucy, “we will … Read more
Murder Mystery Riddle: Was it a Suicide or Murder?
Time to play a detective! Read the hints given in the riddle and solve the case. A detective is called at a crime scene. A man is lying dead in front of an abandoned building. According to the local Police, the sole eye witness told them that the man had jumped out of a window … Read more
Detective Picture Riddle: Is This a Murder or a Suicide? (IV)
Do you think you are a great detective? Let’s test your observation skills with this riddle. In the given picture you will see a scenario in which a person is dead and there are things lying around from which you can do your investigation. So after looking at the picture thoroughly what do you think … Read more
Picture Detective Riddle: Is This a Murder or a Suicide? (III)
If you can answer this picture riddle correctly, you will make a great detective. In the picture you will see a dead body and some clues. Look at the picture carefully and see if you can find anything that will help you determine whether it is a Murder or a suicide? So were you able … Read more
Picture Detective Riddle: Is This a Murder or a Suicide?
If you can answer correctly, you must be a genius. Here is a picture riddle that will test your skills as a detective. Is this Murder or suicide? In the picture you will see a dead body and some clues. Look at the picture carefully and see if you can find anything that will help … Read more