Brain Teaser: How Is A Related To D?

Read the riddle carefully and leave your answers in the comment section below. A is B’s sister. C is B’s mother. D is C’s father. E is D’s mother. Then, how is A related to D? If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.

Logical Riddle: Which Tank Will be Full First III (6 Tank Both Versions)

I received 1 more of the “Which-tank-will-fill-first” riddles in 2 versions. I am including both the versions in this riddle along with answers. Looking at the picture below, which tank will fill first? Version 1 Version 2 If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking … Read more

Solve the Mystery: How Did Jack & Sam Die?

Read the riddle and solve the mysterious deaths of Jack & Sam. Jack and Sam are found dead on the floor. There is shattered glass with a pool of water and a baseball. In the same room there is a glass window, which is shattered. But the glass found near the bodies are different from … Read more

What comes next in the sequence; 6, 13, 25, 51, 101, ?

Look at the series of numbers given in the riddle and find the connection between them. What comes next in the sequence; 6, 13, 25, 51, 101, ?, ? If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.

Brain Teaser: If BOY -> YLB Then, FISH -> ????

Have fun with this brain teaser and find the logic on how the words are coded. If BOY => YLB GIRL => TRIO DOG => WLT Then, FISH => ???? If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.