Types Of People in Every WhatsApp Group

For most of us life without WhatsApp has become unimaginable. WhatsApp has actually made life easy, people can instantly share photos, videos, their current location and contacts with a single touch. It is the best and most budget friendly app to have personal chats and group chats. People are mostly busy “whatsapping” each other. WhatsApp … Read more

Guess These Muhawaras Represented by Pictures

The Hindi proverbs or Muhawaras were an integral part of our schooling. If you haven’t heard it at school you would have definitely heard some in your day to day life. These minimal posters by The Stupid Design will give you a clear picture of these famous Hindi muhawares or Muh-aware as they like to … Read more

14 Short Stories Worth Reading and Sharing

14 short stories worth reading, feeling and forwarding to all those dear to you.. 1. Fall and Rise Today, when I slipped on the wet tile floor a boy in a wheelchair caught me before I slammed my head on the ground. He said, “Believe it or not, that’s almost exactly how I injured my … Read more

Guess These Subjects Names From Whatsapp Emoticons and Smileys

Create puzzles with WhatsApp emoticons and smileys…and send it to friends and let them crack the puzzles. Here’s one more that’s doing rounds now. For other puzzles you would usually find a solution on Google but finding these ones are really difficult. So here a crack for one of the puzzles. Just copy paste the … Read more

Whatsapp Puzzles: Identify The Diseases From Emoticons and Smileys

Create puzzles with WhatsApp emoticons and smileys…and send it to friends and let them crack the puzzles. Here’s one more that’s doing rounds now. For other puzzles you would usually find a solution on Google but finding these ones are really difficult. So here a crack for one of the puzzles. Just copy paste the … Read more