Solve this riddle mentally and quickly. A train leaves from Magic City every 40 minutes to Fairy land. When Alice reached the station, the station master told her that the train had left 15 minutes ago and the next train to Magic City will leave at 9:40 p.m. At what time, did Alice reach the … Read more
Forest Riddle: How Will the Swan Escape From the Tiger?
Read the riddle carefully and help the swan escape from the tiger. A swan is swimming in a small circular pond. A hungry tiger approaches the pond and wants to eat the swan. But this tiger is scared of water so he waits at the edge of the pond running in circular direction. The speed … Read more
Twitter Riddles: Which One is the Mother?
Here is a picture that has gone viral. In this picture there are twins and their mother. Can you guess who is the mother? Share it with your friends on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter or you can also challenge your friends to answer this riddle on WhatsApp. Answer: The one of the … Read more
Picture Riddle: Count the Number of Triangles
Enhance your observation skills with this riddle. How many Triangles can you see in this Cat? Can you count all of them? Did you count all of them? Now share it with your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook and see how many triangles can they find. Answer: There are 20 triangles in the picture. If you … Read more
Art Gallery Riddle: Which Painting will the Painter Hang at 9:20?
Time to put on your thinking hats. In the Art Gallery is a new conceptual art piece. The artist created a huge pile of different paintings. Periodically he picks up one of the paintings and hangs it on the wall, and adjusts it. At 11:00, the painting titled “Number 30” was hung. At 4:00, the … Read more
Encryption Riddle: Can You Decode This?
Good at cracking hidden and codded messages? Try your skills with this riddle. Can You Decode This? 25519 9 3114 4531545 920 Look at the numbers and try to decode the hidden message. Were you able to crack the message? Great, Now challenge your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook to solve the riddle. Find who … Read more
WhatsApp Riddle: What is the Height of this Man?
Share this riddle when you find the answer. In the picture given, the size of the man is along with a block is compared side by side. The blocks are placed in different ways in both the measurements. From the given information, can you find the height of the man? Were you able to find … Read more