Have some fun with numbers while solving this simple math riddle with pool balls. Select 3 balls and put them into the circles such that the sum of the numbers on them should be 30. Apparently, only 2% of the people who attempt this riddle are able to actually solve it within 2 minutes. If … Read more
Picture Puzzle: Find the Missing Piece of the Car
Zoom your screens to find the answer to this picture riddle. In the image below you will see that the main car image has a piece missing at the back. Find the correct piece that went missing from the car. If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other … Read more
Word Riddle Game: There Are Two In An Hour, But Only One In A Month.
Read the hints given in the statements in the riddle below and guess the word. It’s always present. it’s in here, and it’s in there. There are two in an hour, but only one in a month. What is it? If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and … Read more
Fun Riddle for Kids: What Day Is It Today?
Read the riddle carefully and leave your answers in the comment section below. Tomorrow is neither Wednesday nor Thursday. Yesterday was not Friday or Saturday. Today is not Thursday or Sunday or Monday. What day is it today? If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social … Read more
Rebus: Guess the Words or Phrases from the Given Hints in the Riddle
Rebus are the kind of riddles where you have to guess the words or phrases from the given set of pictures or hints. Given below are 6 hints from which you have to guess the words or phrases. 1. Pot oooooooo 2. TERCEGREATPTION 3. COORDERURT 4. STEFRANKIN 5. EVARELTO 6. REVIRD TAES If you get the … Read more
Simple Math Question: How Old Is Sally’s Grandma?
Try your skills with this simple math riddle. Sally asked his grandmother: “How old are you?” She replied: “I have 6 children and there are 4 years between each one and the next. I had my first child when I was 19. Now my youngest one is 19.” How old is Sally’s grandma? If you … Read more
Word Riddle Games: We Always Move Ahead And We Never Turn Back
Read the riddle and from the given hints guess the word. The eight of us protect the king in every battle. We are the often considered the weakest but we always move ahead and we never turn back. What are we? If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook … Read more