Read the hints in the riddle and guess the City name. Guess the name of this Indian city… It has 11 letters. The 1st 3 and last 3 are same 3456 means net 456789 sounds like an Anil Kapoor movie 789 will not allow peace You cannot pronounce the city name without uttering God’s name … Read more
Find The Next Number In The Series: 6, 12, 48, 96, 480 ?
Here is a challenge for mathematical geniuses. Test your skills by solving this riddle. In the given series find the next number i.e value of ? 6, 12, 48, 96, 480 ? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. You can check if your answer is … Read more
Find the Missing Numbers In the Riddle
A brain teaser and riddle helps you kick start your brains in the morning. It’s been scientifically proved that the brain that is used more thinks well. So use your brains to solve this numerical riddle. In the given riddle you have to find the values of the missing numbers. ? ? 7 8 4 … Read more
Find The Missing Number In The Series: 10,11,19,28,??,117
Find the connection between the numbers given in the numerical riddle below. Find the Missing Number In The Series 10,11,19,28,??,117 Above mentioned is a series of numbers which are connected in some way or the other. You have to crack the connection and find the missing number. You can share it with your friends on … Read more