Rebus are riddles where a word or a phrase is represented by a image, symbol or set of words. In this picture riddle you will see certain phrases that are represented in the pciture below; Can you guess these phrases? Once you were able to guess all 3 test your friends by sharing it on … Read more
Fun Riddle: Find the Missing Number in the Circle
Look at the numbers in the circle and find the connection between them. Find the missing number in the picture. Share it with your friends on WhatsApp groups and see how many of them can get the right answer.
Word Riddle Games: You Can Kill Me But You Can\’t Eat Me.
Read the hints given in the riddle and guess the word. You can kill me but you can\’t eat me. You use me every day. I am always there. You cannot get away from me. If you can\’t manage me you must be disorganized. What am I? Share it with your friends on WhatsApp and … Read more
Interview Question: What Will You Hit For Minimum Damage?
Leave your answer to the riddle in the comment section with the explanation. You’re driving your car at 80 mph. You can drive only on the road as one side there is a mountain and on the other side there is a deep valley. A car is heading towards you on the right side of the road … Read more
Picture Riddle: How Many Circles Can You Count
Leave your count in the comment section. In the picture you will see some circles with a common center point. Can you count all the circles in the picture? Share it with your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook.
Fun Riddle Games: Re-arrange These Scrambled Words II
Have fun with this word riddle games. There are 10 words scrambled and their meanings are mentioned in the brackets. If you get all 10 right your vocabulary is awesome. Here are the hints; UTLMNA (A City) RQIA (A Country) RNUES ( A Profession) ERLARIT (A Vehicle) LNSUG (A Body Part) ULSTO (A Flower) ANORGD … Read more
Logical Riddle: Find Who the Thief is
Three people met at a corner of a street. They all are dressed like cops, so they don’t know who the thief is. The cops will always tell the truth and the thief will tell the truth too to make himself appear like a good cop. If their names are Alex, Bruce and Calvin; and … Read more