There are five men, let’s say Tarun, Harish, Lavesh, Manoj and Manish. All of them have a dot mark on their forehead. (Either black or White) They can’t see the dot on their own forehead, but can see the ones on others. The owner of WHITE dot is an honest person and will never lie, … Read more
Tough Number Sequence Riddle: 2 3 3 5 5 4 7 5 11 6 ? ?
Here’s a tough number sequence riddle that will keep you occupied for sometime. It is said that only 2% of the people who attempted this were able to solve it within 2 minutes. So start solving and time yourself, If you crack it within 2 minutes you are a genius. Find the next number in … Read more
Guess the 10 Digit Number From the Hints
Guess the number from all the hints given in the riddle. I have thought of a number that is made up by using all the ten digits just once. Here are a few clues for you to guess my number: First digit is divisible by 1. First two digits are divisible by 2. First three … Read more