Here is a tough mathematical puzzle only for the genius. This question apparently appeared in UPSC Final Exams held in December 2013 and only 1 person was actually able to solve it. So the difficulty of this riddle is considered to be “Very Hard”. [] + [] + [] = 30 Fill the boxes using … Read more
Fill the Boxes: [] + [] + [] + [] + [] = 30
Here is a tough mathematical puzzle only for the genius. This question came in UPSC Final Exams and only 1 person was able to solve it. So the difficulty on this riddle is “Very Hard”. [] + [] + [] + [] + [] = 30 Fill the boxes using one of these numbers 1, … Read more
How Much Toll Will A Man Travelling From Kerala to Mumbai Pay With Coconuts
Read the riddle and help the man calculate the toll. A man leaves from Kerala with 3 sacks of 30 coconuts each. He comes across 30 tolls till he reaches Mumbai. He has to give 1 coconut for each sack containing coconuts as toll tax at every toll. How much coconuts are left with him … Read more
Few Interesting Word Puzzles
Here are a Few Interesting Word Riddles which you can ask your friends on Whatsapp, BBM, We Chat, Lime or any other chat app. You can pass it on to WhatsApp groups and impress people with your wit. Probably you already got this from someone and landed here looking for the answer so the solutions are … Read more