Fun Picture Riddle: Which One is The Correct Key

Here’s a easy picture riddle which you can share with kids you know. In the picture below are 3 keys and a lock. You have to find the key which would lead you to the lock. So find the correct key in the picture below. When you find it share it with all the kids you … Read more

Fun Math Riddle: If 17 + 3 = 31 Then; 38 + 8 = ??

Have some fun with numbers. Find out the connection between the equations and then find the value of ?? in the last equation. If; 17 + 3 = 31 23 + 5 = 38 32 + 9 = 55 Then; 38 + 8 = ?? Share this math riddle with your friends and family on WhatsApp … Read more

Forest Riddle: How Will the Swan Escape From the Tiger?

Read the riddle carefully and help the swan escape from the tiger. A swan is swimming in a small circular pond. A hungry tiger approaches the pond and wants to eat the swan. But this tiger is scared of water so he waits at the edge of the pond running in circular direction. The speed … Read more

What Comes Next in the Sequence: 4, 6, 8, 9…..

Look at the given numbers and try to find the missing numbers. What Comes Next in the Sequence:  4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, ?? Where you able to get the right answer? Now share this riddle with your friends on WhatsApp groups and see how many in the … Read more

Word Riddle Game: If you Have 3, You Have 3

Read the hints and guess the word. If you have 3, you have 3. If you have 2, you have 2 but If you have 1, you have none. What is it? Word riddle games help in improving vocabulary and also thinking power. So share it with your friends and family on WhatsApp and Facebook … Read more

Fun With Maths Riddle: Find The Missing Number

Have fun with Maths by solving this Riddle. In the table below are some numbers connected in someway. You have to find the connection between these numbers and then find the missing number. What would be the value of the question mark “?”; in the picture below; So were you able to solve the riddle? … Read more

Guess the Movie Actor From the Name of the Character

Are you a movie buff? Prove it by solving this riddle without the help of Google search. Here are some names of popular movie characters. Can you guess the actor who played the character? Bella Swan (7, 7) Hermione Granger (4, 6) Jane Smith (8, 5) Vivian Ward (5, 7) Elise Reiner (3, 5) Gabriella … Read more