Test your general knowledge. On which day and which year did America declare itself an independent country? If you get the answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp & Facebook, see how many of your friends are good at GK,
Find The Missing Character In This Series: G2, ?, E8, D16, C32
In the given riddle you will see an alphanumeric series. They are following a certain logic. Once you find the logic you can find any character in the series. Find the value of the alphanumeric character missing in this series; G2, ?, E8, D16, C32 Share it with your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook.
Fun Riddles: Can You Name Two Things You Can Never Eat For Breakfast?
Have fun with this Sunday Riddle. Can you name two things you can never eat for breakfast? This is an easy riddle made especially for children. Making kids solve riddles and puzzles is an amazing activity that should be a part of every child’s daily schedule. These kind of riddles are fun to solve and at … Read more
Picture Riddle: How Many 9’s in the Given Image
This riddle should keep you busy for sometime. In the picture below, you will see there are lot of 8s. Among this 8’s there are some 9’s, can you find them? How many 9’s can you find in the image? When you find all the 9’s share it with your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook. … Read more
Word Riddle Games: It Can Come From Your Ears
Read the hints given in the riddle below and guess the word. People say it can come from your ears, it can also generate fear, some people love to do it, some people can’t stand it it’s not welcome in a house, it’s quiet as a mouse. What can it be?
Logical Reasoning: Is The Statement True Or False?
Read the given statements and answer the question in the riddle. Some cars are migs. All migs are fens. Some fens are bas. Some bas are migs. “Therefore, cars are definitely bas.” Is the statement True or False?
The Top 5 Riddles & Puzzles of 2016 (Jan to June)
We are half way through 2016. A good time to check look back and see what riddles you liked and shared. The top riddles are decided solely by the page views that the riddle has got. Page Views can be directly related to likeability of the riddle. As more the people like it more they … Read more