Read the hints given in the word riddle and guess the word. Big as biscuit, deep as a cup, even a river can’t fill me up. What Am I? Share it with your friends on Facebook and WhatsApp. Do you like this kind of word riddles? If not, what kind do you like. Do share … Read more
Find the Missing Number: If 1326 = 1 Then 3216 = ?
Look at the given equations and crack the logic behind it. Find the missing number; 1326 = 1 2396 = 2 3681 = 3 3216 = ? 1880 = 5 Share it with your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook.
Math Quiz: What is the result of √4% = ?
Test your math skills with this question and leave your answers in the comment section. What will be the result of the following; √4% = ? Select the answer from the following options; a) 2% b) 0.2 % c) 20 % d) 0.02 % Once you get the answer check your answer below, if you … Read more
WhatsApp Quiz: Find the Value of E; If A =1
In the question the letters are represented as numbers. Look at the pattern and guess the value of E; If, A = 1, B = 4, C = 9, D = 16 Then; E = ? Share it with your friends on Facebook and WhatsApp.
Word Riddle Games: I Can Play Chess
Read the hints given in the riddle and guess the word. I play chess & other board games, I am the best, I will only move faster but there is this one skill I can’t master. Who am I?
Fun WhatsApp Math Picture Riddle: Find the Missing Number
In the picture, you will see that some numbers are represented by fruits. Solve and find the value of each color fruit and then find the value of the missing number.
Word Riddle Games: You Can Make Clouds With Me
Read the hints given in the riddle and guess the word. I am a small stick and you can make clouds with me. Some consider me their best friend and some consider me as their worst enemy. Who am I?