Do you like Russell Peters? Watch his full show here. Russell Peters 2013 – Notorious Tour Full Show Did you enjoy the video? Do share your feedback in the comments section below. In case of missing video, report the issue to [email protected] and we will try to fix the issue.
Best of Tanmay Bhat in AIB roast
Complete Part of Tanmay in AIB roast. AIB Knockout – Best of Tanmay Bhat Transcript of the video: 0:00 that turn an extra stuff is the multi-talented 0:05 on my part %uh 0:10 hot hot hot then I realized that allowed in fact I’m not balance 0:13 ladies and gentlemen give it up defended by … Read more
Russell Peters: Indian Names
Russell Peters on his name and the names of some other Indians that he’s met. If you have a cultural name, rock it! Here’s a clip from my 2006 special, “Outsourced.” “Cultural Names” | Russell Peters – Outsourced Did you enjoy the video? Do share your feedback in the comments section below.
Why I don’t do any Arab jokes
Russell Peters tell us how the media manipulates our brains and why he does not do any jokes on the Arabs. Russell Peters: Why I don’t do any Arab jokes?? Did you enjoy the video? Do share your feedback in the comments section below.
Russell Peters: Why Chinese Can’t Do Business With Indian
Like Russel Peters? Here’s one more video where Russel Peters tries to explain why Indians are cheap. He also tells us why Chinese and Indians can’t do business together. Jew vs Indian, Why Chinese can’t do business with Indian. Russell Peters Did you enjoy the video? Do share your feedback in the comments section below. … Read more
Russel Peters – Women are thinkers
Here’s what Canadian comedian and actor Russel Peters has to say about women. Russel Peters -Women are thinkers Transcripts of the video (Auto-generated) 0:00 crazy women a little crazy on you know has a problem with the men and women 0:05 situation is 0:06 here’s the here’s the actual I broken it down with the … Read more