Received this riddle on WhatsApp today, it seems very easy at the beginning but then the number 7 at the end of the riddle seems to be incorrect. The numbers below are arranged according to a certain rule. Once you have figured out the rule, find the missing number. The number 7 in the final … Read more
Picture Riddle: Draw Square Fences To Isolate the Dogs
Got this picture riddle on WhatsApp today. Put your thinking cap on, this will surely keep you busy for sometime. In the picture below, you will see 9 dogs in a square fence. Can you construct 2 more square fences such that each dog is in isolation. So were you able to solve the riddle? … Read more
Picture Riddle: Find the Height of the Table
Put your mathematical hat on and solve this riddle with equations. In the given picture you will see a cat, a tortoise and a table. Along with it you will also see that there are some measurements given. Based on the given information find the height of the table. So were you able to solve … Read more