Picture Riddle: Find the Fault in the Given Image

Test your observation skills with this picture riddle. Can you find the fault in the picture of the rooster below? So were you able to spot the error in the picture riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. If you get the correct answer, please share it with your friends and family on … Read more

Fill In The Blank Spots Below & Complete The Word?

Let’s test how well you know your words. This word is unique because it has 4 pairs of the letter ‘s’ in it. Fill in the blank spots below & complete the word? _ _ S S _ S S _ _ N _ _ S S _ _ S S So were you able to find all … Read more

Fun Riddles: What Letter Is Capable Of Making A Road Larger?

Riddles are the best way to keep your brain active. So solve riddles daily to sharpen your thinking skills. What letter is capable of making a road larger? This riddle is actually made to increase the thinking capacity of children but even adults can attempt it. Just, don\’t forget to have fun. So were you … Read more

Sports GK Test: Hockey Was Introduced In The Asian Games In?

Test your knowledge in sports with this simple general knowledge question. Hockey was introduced in the Asian Games in A. 1958 in Tokyo B. 1962 in Jakarta C. 1966 in Bangkok D. 1970 in Bangkok If you get the correct answer, please share it with your friends and family on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social … Read more

Brainteaser: Find the Height of the 2nd Pole in the Picture

Look at the given picture, and the details given. With the help of the given information, find the height of the 2nd pole. So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. If you get the correct answer, please share it with your friends and family on WhatsApp, … Read more