Who is the Killer? Any Detective Out There?

Put on your detective hats, and crack this murder mystery.

In the picture you will see a crime scene in which a woman is murdered in the restroom of a restaurant. Can you look at the picture and find who the killer is?

Image source: @ghadahaleidi

So were you able to solve the riddle? leave your answers in the comment section below.

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28 Replies to “Who is the Killer? Any Detective Out There?”

  1. I think 4 is the killer.
    He is holding his knife inverted.
    May be he forgets about this between hiding his expressions

  2. The girl is the killer because only a girl can go into a girls washroom and if a guy would have gone it would have been noticed. Thats all

  3. reason why i am rigght
    01.it must be number three…….she is the only woman who is in the restaurant…….she knows that no woman is going to enter the bathroom……if it was a man he had been already left the restaurant bcoz he would understand that the woman sitting there will realize everything and the police and the other persons may caught him…..

    02.The in the picture is so tensed…others not afraid of anything they are simply sitting and having their meal…..

    03..The person who seems like the waiter was shocked when he has seen the woman (3) sitting on the chair where the victim sat…..the opened bag is an evidence for that….

    04. victim might be stabbed with a fork……there is only a knife besides the woman so the fork might be used for stabbing…

    05.there is a possibility that she(03) she has got a help from a man which might be number (4)….his dress code and the shabby look on dress also proves that…..06. the criminal must be right handed…..both of them are right handed…..bcoz woman- the bag is on the right side…….man- glass is on the right hands

    06.she sits in front of a finished plate.

  4. It says the answer is the woman, BUT she is left handed. The person was clearly stabbed by a right-handed person being that the knife is to the right of her

  5. I think 4 is the killer because his shirt is messy like she might have put up a fight & also he is eating his bread with his hand

  6. None of them in the picture. The killer has left the scene. Why would one hang around in there after killing the woman?

  7. 1) Your deductions were great but out of logics actually, On screaming: yeah if any women see a man entering a in toilet she’ll definitely scream, but if you notice she was standing near wash basin, maybe washing her face she didn’t noticed and was stabbed in back. But still you are pretty much misplaced. Even if it is a man or women anyone would scream after getting stabbed. A man can stop her from screaming by putting hand on her mouth while stabbing from behind, as it is a hard work for a women to do.

    2) Secondly, she was killed at point of time, we don’t know who pulled the knife out because if the victim did then she may also call for help and if the killer did then there would be squirts of blood coming out of wound, which is a biological reasoning and even if the knife was pulled out by victim and didn’t called for help, still there might be blood marks on killers wear. And Only one man can’t be noticed with those marks in the restaurant, which is the 4th one who is already wearing a Red shirt. Who is also missing a knife from his table.

    3) One thing that I can’t understand is yet the waiter is not an option still the waiter is wearing a toque, which is a chef’s hat though he is a waiter? Or not?

  8. Answer-2
    1- there is no 2nd plate on his table. So he must be alone.
    3- she is also alone as there is no plate and only one knife on her table.
    4- he is alone because there no second chair on his table.
    2- Yes, there are two chairs, two plates but one knife..

    1. U just brought to my attention that there’s a second plate on number 2 omg so the girl might have been with him and then went to use the restroom when all this had happened (or the man just got a book load of food or desserts lol anyways). You know the waiter could have just been bringing the glass of water to them cuz he doesn’t have one ( but that doesn’t explain why he’s looking in the direction of the lady at number 3) but that could all had been put to mislead us, andddd he could have just had that surprised expression on his face because he noticed she had an empty plate of food. Cuz seriously guys it just doesn’t make sense to me that he would bring another full cup of water to number 3 when she already has one (well its empty but… Still) instead of just refilling it with something I’m sure they wouldn’t bring a whole other one. Butttt that brings us towards the question of “so who killed her”?! Well idk lol. It could have been like adriano said ” it would have to be a girl (well the only girl there hence number 3) to go in there pretending to use the restroom, while in reality it was to murder her, which she would have never expected and so it was normal for the woman to come in without the other one creating a loud scream because she is completely unaware of the intentions of the women “. Orrrr it could have been the table thats closeset to the restroom ( number 4) because it would have been a great timing for the murder. lastly it could have just been suicide idk why she would do that tho but you know you can never judge cause everyone has their reasons for things… Like there no physical brusises seen on her to indicate or say the there was and actual person who used force to attack and murder her. Well after looking for them I noticed onemore CLUE OHhhhh yasss I did . OK so this relates back to my interesting thought of her committing suicide. It seem as though wayyy back on a table u can see there is only a fork while all the other tables are seen with both utensils of both a knife and fork which was also seen that the women has a knife which I assume from the table thats is missing it. She could have used it for simply suicide or and intention framing a person IDK. While OTHER than tht I’m speechless and have no clue to who would do this ( it could also not even be the ppl listed there for example like it could have been a chef, a person about to leave , etc. ) but tht also doesn’t make sense so inclusion to wasting ur time I completely don’t know who did it sorry lol.

  9. Hi.
    The killer is #3, the muslim women.

    1- She is the only person who can enter in a women bathroom and do not raise suspicions.

    2- The victim has blood in the floor, indicating that she was stabbed in the back.The only possibility this happend it is if the murder who enter in a women bathroom, is a woman too… because if it would be a man, at the moment he entered the victim woman would scream when see him.

    3- The muslim woman went to the bathroom carrying her own knife, killed the victim and back to the room… and she sit down in the table where the victim was eating. For that there is an empty food plate and a knife in the table. And for that the waiter gets surprised when see the muslim woman, because it seems the victim had ordered him for another glass of water (because it seems the glass in the table is empty, because the victim drank it meanwhile she ate; and at the end she possibly ordered another glass of water, or maybe its a coffee or some liquor and for that the waiter is carying it over a small plate in his hand), and when the waiter arrived to the table, he found another woman at the table… and got surprised.
    Maybe the victim had ordered him the account too, and when the waiter arrives see the women has desapeared and in her place there is a new woman (the muslim).

    4- Some one can think: “maybe the two women were eating both, the victim and the muslim”, but no.
    Because in the table there is only one plate, not two, and it is empty (showing us the person who was there just can be one, and its time por eat has over… so or the person has gone of the restaurant, or has gone to the bathroom). And the other chair It is placed inside the table, stored. Showing us that neither is withdrawn nor has been. So in that table there was just one person, and was sat in the same chair the muslim woman is on.
    And finnally… the muslim woman has a women bag in the table… and it has to be from the victim; because the hiyab muslim women don’t use women bags.

    1. 1) Your deductions were great but out of logics actually, On screaming: yeah if any women see a man entering a in toilet she’ll definitely scream, but if you notice she was standing near wash basin, maybe washing her face she didn’t noticed and was stabbed in back. But still you are pretty much misplaced. Even if it is a man or women anyone would scream after getting stabbed. A man can stop her from screaming by putting hand on her mouth while stabbing from behind, as it is a hard work for a women to do.

      2) Secondly, she was killed at point of time, we don’t know who pulled the knife out because if the victim did then she may also call for help and if the killer did then there would be squirts of blood coming out of wound, which is a biological reasoning and even if the knife was pulled out by victim and didn’t called for help, still there might be blood marks on killers wear. And Only one man can’t be noticed with those marks in the restaurant, which is the 4th one who is already wearing a Red shirt. Who is also missing a knife from his table.

      3) One thing that I can’t understand is yet the waiter is not an option still the waiter is wearing a toque, which is a chef’s hat though he is a waiter? Or not?

      1. But it looks like number four is holding and using his knife… tbh I thought it was number three because the waiter was bringing water for her while her plate was empty (shouldn’t he be bringing her food instead) but then again, he could be bringing it for the other women (maybe her friend) who only wanted tht instead of food but the waiter got surprised when the girl who asked for it was gone. BUT if tht was the case it still doesn’t explain how she was killed. You see im still confused if it really was number 3… because u know Adriano has good points and a solid explaination, but if the waiter was ordered to bring water which doesn’t take long (plus everyone already has there food so it shouldn’t be long or anything shouldn’t be busy ) how does she have the time to go in there with (maybe her friend) and kill her clean the knife with the waiter JUST coming with the water but also then again if it wasn’t her friend and a women was eating there it doesn’t really explain the fact the she got into there and killed her then sat at her table. Wouldn’t the people have already directed her to her seat, have given water and all that stuff? There’s no surprise to the waiter if he saw the girl at the wrong seat, but u know it also doesn’t make sense that the waiter is bringing her another cup of water when they usually have something to refill it, but u know this all just confuses me because of the timing if things and other stuff that affected my thinking. I’m just tht type of person who over thinks things and overcomplicates the most simple and obvious things so I really have no idea why I’m here doing this stuff lol.

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