Fun Math Riddle: Find the Value of Red Blue and White Balls

Here is a riddle in which you have to find the value of missing numbers.

In the below picture there are no numbers mentioned but can you find the value of the missing numbers with the help of the given information?

We can re-write it in words like below;

Blue Red White

+  Blue Red White

+  Blue Red White
= Red Red Red

7 Replies to “Fun Math Riddle: Find the Value of Red Blue and White Balls”

    1. wrong hai….it sholud be 148

      Jo middle colour per digit hoga wahi ……sum of total me hoga……means …red colour

      1. so the question is

        basically it’s saying yyy/3 = xyz is the solution, we only have 9 digits that are in form of yyy(111,222,333,444,555,666,777,888,999) and we just need to divide them by 3 until we get the desired answer,
        111/3=037 but 3 is the middle digit here and we need 1 to be in the middle in this case
        222/3=074 but 7 is the middle digit here and we need 2 to be in the middle in this case
        333/3=111 but 3 is the middle digit here and we need 3 to be in the middle in this case
        444/3=148 here we have 4 as the middle digit and 444 being the last answer and therefore we have an answer here.

        you can bother doing 555/3, 666/3, 777/3 and so on, but the middle digits don’t match, i hope this explained the question well.

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