Math Riddle: Find the Missing Numbers in the Table

Put your answers in the comments section.

In the table below you will see a set of numbers that are connected to each other in a certain way.

Look at the table and find the value of the missing numbers.


2 3 4 15 12
3 4 5 28 20
4 5 6 45 30
5 6 7 66 42
6 7 8 A? B?

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The pattern in the table is as follows;

The 4th cloumn is equal to (C1 + C2) x C2 &

the 5th row is equal to (C2 x C3)

1st row;

4th number = (2 + 3) x 3 = 5 x 3 = 15

5th number = 3 x 4 = 12

Therefore we can find the missing numbers A & B as;

A = (6 + 7) x 7 = 13 x 7 = 91 &

B = 7 x 8 = 56

Answer is;

A = 91 & B = 56


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