If you like my previous post 64S on CB you will love this extended version of the same. You can see the below example to understand what needs to be done. Example: 24 H in a D. Ans. 24 hours in a day. 1. 12 N in C 2. 2 E in F 3. 11 … Read more
What Comes Next in the Sequence: 3, 13, 1113, 3113, 132113, ?, ?
Challenge your brain with this number series riddle. What Comes Next in the Sequence: 3, 13, 1113, 3113, 132113, ?, ? Were you able to find the next two numbers? You are a genius if you got the correct answers. Now share it with your friends on Facebook and WhatsApp groups to find the geniuses … Read more
Rebus Riddle Games: Guess the Words
Crack this rebus riddle and leave your answers in the comment section. Brain bat or Rebus are a kind of brain teaser where a combination of letter or word represent a word. You have to crack the meaning of the rebus by looking at the combination. Guess the words or phrases from the hints given in … Read more
Art Gallery Riddle: Which Painting will the Painter Hang at 9:20?
Time to put on your thinking hats. In the Art Gallery is a new conceptual art piece. The artist created a huge pile of different paintings. Periodically he picks up one of the paintings and hangs it on the wall, and adjusts it. At 11:00, the painting titled “Number 30” was hung. At 4:00, the … Read more
WhatsApp Riddle: Find 6 Words Hidden in the Picture 4
Share it when you find all 6 words. Here is a picture of a cafeteria with words hidden. Find the 6 hidden words in the picture below. If you find all 6 your observations skill are brilliant. Even finding 5 means you are good. Share it on WhatsApp and Facebook to challenge your friends and … Read more
Encryption Riddle: Can You Decode This?
Good at cracking hidden and codded messages? Try your skills with this riddle. Can You Decode This? 25519 9 3114 4531545 920 Look at the numbers and try to decode the hidden message. Were you able to crack the message? Great, Now challenge your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook to solve the riddle. Find who … Read more
Picture Riddle: Find the Animal Hidden in The Forest
Zoom your screens, or You might need your magnifying glass to find this one. An animal is smartly hidden in the this picture of the forest. Can you find him? See the picture carefully and leave your answers in the comment section. Once you have found it, share this picture riddle with your friends on … Read more