WhatsApp Riddle: You Probably Won’t Believe This

Share it when you get it.

You have to solve it carefully.

25 – 55 + (85 + 65) = ?

You probably won’t believe it, but this equals 5!

This is a correct image.

Thoroughly confuse your friends with this [correct] image.

Share the riddle with them on WhatsApp and see what they have to say about it.


Look Again

When you solve this you will get;

25 – 55 + (85 + 65) = 25 – 55 + 150 = 25 + 95 = 120

Right that’s what you got.

Now let’s see how its equal to 5!

5!(factorial) = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120


25 – 55 + (85 + 65) = 120 = 5!

Wasn’t that fun.

Do share to confuse your friends completely.

One Reply to “WhatsApp Riddle: You Probably Won’t Believe This”

  1. Your supposed to add first before you subtract PEMDAS Parentheses Exponent’s multiply divide ADD THEN SUBTRACT.

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