WhatsApp Riddle: Find 6 Words Hidden in the Picture

Attempt this fun picture riddle that I got on WhatsApp today. Find 6 words hidden in the picture Had fun? Share it with your friends on WhatsApp and social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Check who has the best observation skills. If you liked solving this you will also like  whatsApp Riddle: FInd 6 … Read more

Fun Picture Riddle: Find the Animal Hidden in Mountains

One more great camouflage picture. Try to find the animal which is smartly hidden between mountains and snow. See the picture carefully; Share it when you find it. Test the observation skills of your friends by sharing this riddle with them on WhatsApp groups and Facebook. Very few will be able to actually spot the animal and … Read more

Word Riddle Games: Rearrange the Letters to Form Correct Words

Scrabble time. Rearrange the letters to form the correct words: ttrunesaar teshtut enrlonfit splrieeahd loaplicit You are a Word wizard if you get all 5 right. Test how good your friends are with English words. Share this word riddle with them on WhatsApp and other social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. See who can … Read more

Fun Brain Teaser: How Many Burgers Will 10 Boys Eat?

Share this when you get the answer. Read the brain teaser and answer the question given. If 3 Boys can eat 3 burgers each in 3 minutes; How many burgers will 10 boys eat in 10 minutes? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. If you … Read more

Girl with Unique Talent: Making Animal Sounds

How many animal sounds can you mimic? Here’s a girl with a very unique talent. she can make several animal sounds effortlessly. Mel’s friends told her that she had a unique talent and they wanted her to share the talent with the world. She she made this video and shared it on YouTube. Thanks Mel…It’s … Read more

WhatsApp Riddle: You Probably Won’t Believe This

Share it when you get it. You have to solve it carefully. 25 – 55 + (85 + 65) = ? You probably won’t believe it, but this equals 5! This is a correct image. Thoroughly confuse your friends with this [correct] image. Share the riddle with them on WhatsApp and see what they have … Read more