Types Of People in Every WhatsApp Group

For most of us life without WhatsApp has become unimaginable. WhatsApp has actually made life easy, people can instantly share photos, videos, their current location and contacts with a single touch. It is the best and most budget friendly app to have personal chats and group chats. People are mostly busy “whatsapping” each other. WhatsApp … Read more

Guess These Muhawaras Represented by Pictures

The Hindi proverbs or Muhawaras were an integral part of our schooling. If you haven’t heard it at school you would have definitely heard some in your day to day life. These minimal posters by The Stupid Design will give you a clear picture of these famous Hindi muhawares or Muh-aware as they like to … Read more

An Open Reply to All Yo Yo Honey Singh Songs

Performed by Rene Verma, watch a female rapper’s response to how rap music defines women in narrow and derogatory ways. Take that, Honey Singh! I mean sure, his songs are catchy and the music might be good, but the lyrics of his songs just cannot be used to describe women, or humans for that matter; … Read more

Origins of Some of Our Strange Customs

You must have wondered sometimes why are certain things done in a certain way throughout the world. If you haven’t got an answer to some of those questions here are some origins of some of our strange customs. WHY: Why do men’s clothes have buttons on the right while women’s clothes have buttons on the … Read more