A group of stand-up comedians known as ‘AIB’ has come up with a satirical video in the wake of recent sexual assault cases in India. The group consists of Tanmay Bhat, Gursimran Khamba, Rohan Joshi and Ashish Shakya. Bollywood actress Kalki Koechlin and VJ Juhi Pandey have featured in the video. The campaign is called ‘It’s Your Fault’, and it showcases different dimensions of a victim’s life. Take a look.
Every sexual assault case in India inspires a string of stupid and hateful remarks against women. This is our response to those remarks.
Director: Ashwin Shetty
Cinematographer: Ankit Mhatre
Written by: AIB.
Editors: Ashish Heblekar & Shashwat Datta
Music: Mehar Chumble
Assistant Directors: Shruti Naik & Geethika Chandran Kinakkal
Line Producer: Achal Manglik
Assistant Producer: Melbun D’souza
Live Sound: Rinku Pathak