Read the hints given in the riddle and guess the word. I am an 8 letter word. Billions of people use me daily My 1st 4 letters is your identity My last 4 letters can be good or bad. But the last 2 are always ok. Letters 234 cannot be beaten. Who am I? Share … Read more
Word Riddle Games: Rearrange the Letters to Form Correct Words
Scrabble time. Rearrange the letters to form the correct words: ttrunesaar teshtut enrlonfit splrieeahd loaplicit You are a Word wizard if you get all 5 right. Test how good your friends are with English words. Share this word riddle with them on WhatsApp and other social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. See who can … Read more
Top 10 Riddles and Puzzles of 2015 (1 to 5)
Here is a list of Top 5 riddles and puzzles of 2015. If you have missed the top 6 to 10 you can check them here. 5. WhatsApp Image Puzzle: What is Wrong With This Picture? Look at the image carefully and see what is wrong in it. Answer: Click Here 4. WhatsApp Picture Riddle: … Read more
Top 10 Riddles and Puzzles of 2015 (6 to 10)
2015 has been a good and we have reached the last day of the year. I decided to look back for a moment and find out the best of the riddles and puzzles of the year. The ranking is purely decided on the amount of buzz it created online. So here’s the list of the … Read more
Word Riddle Games: Complete the Words
Test your skills with words. Mentioned below are some meaningless and incomplete words that can be completed adding random letters on either sides of the word. For an example, the word “eni” can be formed into “Senior”. Using the same technique, can you complete the given words? ecalc airb rinci tibac uidel gorit igna tize … Read more
Rebus Word Riddle: Guess the Phrase Shown in The Picture
Brain bat or Rebus are a kind of brain teaser where a combination of letter or word represent a word. You have to crack the meaning of the rebus by looking at the combination. They are fun and witty. So I hope you enjoy solving them. Guess the phrase from the combination of words given below; … Read more
Brain Exercise Riddles: Find The Third Word Connected to The Pair of Words
Here is a brain exercise whose aim is to stimulate the connections or associations between words in your temporal lobe. In the left column you have a pair of words. Your goal is to find a third word that is connected or associated with both of these two words. The first pair is PIANO and … Read more