Guess the word from the hints given in the riddle. I’m a 6 letter word. I live in the kitchen. My 6,2,1,4 letter makes a very hard thing. 2 & 3 letters are the same. My 1,3,4,5 letter makes a drink. Reply if u r smart!! So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave … Read more
Whatsapp Riddle: Guess the Body Parts
The English language has many words with more than one meaning. Here is a riddle to test your vocabulary. Crack this Whatsapp word test and if you get more than 10 right answers, you have an excellent vocabulary. In this riddle you have to guess the name of the body part from the provided hints. … Read more
Whatsapp Riddle: I am a 7 letter word
In Whatsapp Word Riddles, you get a hint of what the word is from a few lines mentioned in the riddle. You have to guess the word from the mentioned clues and it should fit perfectly with all the clues. Here’s how it goes. I am a 7 letter word; a lot of kids love … Read more