Here is a tough mathematical puzzle only for the genius. This question apparently appeared in UPSC Final Exams held in December 2013 and only 1 person was actually able to solve it. So the difficulty of this riddle is considered to be “Very Hard”. [] + [] + [] = 30 Fill the boxes using … Read more
Fill the Boxes: [] + [] + [] + [] + [] = 30
Here is a tough mathematical puzzle only for the genius. This question came in UPSC Final Exams and only 1 person was able to solve it. So the difficulty on this riddle is “Very Hard”. [] + [] + [] + [] + [] = 30 Fill the boxes using one of these numbers 1, … Read more
Ek Mithai Ka Naam, Dawa Ka Naam, Film Ka Naam, Ladki Ka Naam, City Ka Naam, Car Ka Naam, Place Ka Naam Aur Doggy Ka Naam
Here’s an extension of the puzzle One Name Shared by a Sweet, a Medicine, A Movie and A Girl’s Name. Probably the extension was done to get one answer in both english and hindi version. Guys have added a few extra points on to it and here’s how it goes. Hindi Version: Iska jawab do to Manenge.. … Read more
Logical Riddle: Find the Defective Ball
Use your logical skills to solve this riddle. You have 12 balls that look identical in shape, color etc. All of them have same weight except one ball which is defective. You don’t know whether the defective one is heavier or lighter than other balls. You can use a two sided balance system (not the … Read more