Have fun with this word riddle games. The words are scrambled and their meanings are mentioned in the brackets. If you get all 10 right your vocabulary is awesome. Here are the hints; 1: OKEYRWN (City) 2: KASNLRIA (Country) 3: RUBELPM (Profession) 4: DIKYEN: (Body part) 5: PITLU: (Flower) 6: TONPYHE (Animal) 7: NOMETARLEW (Fruit) … Read more
Count The Number of Squares In The Given Picture
It’s Geometry Time. How good are you with squares and triangles? Time to test your skills in counting squares. Count all the squares in the picture below; So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. If you get the correct answer, please share it with your friends and … Read more