Whatsapp Puzzles: Guess Nursery Rhymes From Emoticons and Smileys

Whatsapp Puzzle Guess Nursery Rhymes

Create puzzles with WhatsApp emoticons and smileys…and send it to friends and let them crack the puzzles. The new way to play a Quiz with your friends. Here’s one more that’s doing rounds now. For other puzzles ans Quizzes you would usually find a solution on Google but finding these ones are really difficult. So … Read more

Hindi Whatsapp Puzzles: Guess the Muhawaras From Emoticons and Smileys

Hindi Whatsapp Puzzles: Guess the Muhawaras From Emoticons and Smileys

Create puzzles with WhatsApp emoticons and smileys…and send it to friends and let them crack the puzzles. Here’s one more that’s doing rounds now. For other puzzles you would usually find a solution on Google but finding these ones are really difficult. So here a crack for one of the puzzles. Just copy paste the … Read more

Whatsapp Puzzles: Guess Brand Names From Emoticons and Smileys

Whatsapp Emoticons Guess these brands puzzle

Create puzzles with Whatsapp emoticons and smileys…and send it to friends and let them crack the puzzles. Here’s one more that’s doing rounds now. For other puzzles you would usually find a solution on Google but finding these ones are really difficult. So here a crack for one of the puzzles. Just copy paste the … Read more

Whatsapp Puzzle: Recognize The Names of The Things We Find in Kitchen

Lets play a spelling Quiz…….. Friends, recognize the names of the things we would normally find in a kitchen…..The spellings are jumbled……specially for u..to make it interesting. 1. wcmoariev 2.nenaidgtnbl 3.phrsopce 4.gtseebvale 5.eulsps 6.tnsuiels 7.lyncdire 8.cspsei 9.oikgonlci 10.grsnsoviposen 11.aipddyrroctus 12.sarttoe Lets see who is a super kitchen queen …. So were you able to solve … Read more

Whatsapp Puzzles: Guess Sweets Names From Emoticons and Smileys

Whatsapp Emoticons Guess Sweets Names

Create puzzles with Whatsapp emoticons and smileys…and send it to friends and let them crack the puzzles. Here’s one more that’s doing rounds now. For other puzzles you would usually find a solution on Google but finding these ones are really difficult. So here a crack for one of the puzzles. Just copy paste the … Read more