Forward the riddle on your WhatsApp groups to have fun with your friends. If a woman gives birth to an orphan; What does that make her? If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.
Brain Teaser: What Question Can Someone Ask All Day Long…?
Leave your answers in the comment section below; What question can someone ask all day long, always get completely different answers, and yet all the answers could be correct? If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.
Fun Riddle: How Did the Beer Not Spill?
A six-foot-tall magician holds a beer mug on the top of his head, He bends forward and let\’s it fall to the ground, When it hits the ground, there is not a spot of beer spilled, How can this be? If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and … Read more
Fun Riddle for Children: What Has Four Eyes But Can’t See?
have fun with this simple riddle for kids. What Has Four Eyes But Can’t See? If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.
Riddles for Kids: How Many Chocolates Are There?
Here’s an easy riddle for a stress free weekend. My sister has two chocolates. I had two chocolates. My brother has two chocolates. My cousin has two chocolates. Wow, that’s a lot of chocolate! How many chocolates are there? If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other … Read more
Fun Riddle: Who Are the Two Men Wearing Masks
Leave your answers to the riddle in the comment section. You leave home, Make three left turns, And return home where you find two men wearing masks. Who are they? If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.
Brain Teaser: How Would You Pay the Wages to This Employee
Read the riddle and find a favorable answer. You want to hire a temporary employee for 11 days. You offer him $11 as wages to be paid on 11th day, but the employee suggests an alternative so that he gets paid daily. For the first day of work, he will be paid a penny. For … Read more