Logical Riddle: Which Tank Will be Full First IV (12 Tank Version)

This morning, I received 1 more of the “Which-tank-will-fill-first” riddles. Which is again very interesting to solve, so here’s how it goes; Looking at the picture below, which tank will fill first? So were you able to solve the riddle? leave your answers in the comment section below. If you get the correct answer, please … Read more

Logical Riddle: The Candle Problem

Think out of the box and use your logical skills to solve this riddle. You are given three things A Candle A matchbox & A box of thumbtacks How would you fix and light a candle on a wall in such a way that the candle wax won’t drip onto the table below? If you … Read more

Fun Riddle: What Has Four Wheels And Also Flies?

Have fun with simple yet tricky riddle. Kids will surely like this fun puzzle question, so do share it with them What has four wheels and also flies? If you get the correct answer, please share it with your friends and family on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites. Solving riddles is a good … Read more

Find the Missing Number in The Given Circle

Look at the numbers in the circle and find the connection between the numbers. Once you find the logic behind the numbers, find the missing numbers. If you get the correct answer, please share it with your friends and family on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.

Picture Riddle: Guess the Name of the Movie From the Hints

A friend of mine shared this riddle with me on WhatsApp today, found it slightly tough to crack, so thought will share it on my blog. From the hints given in the picture try to figure out the name of the mnovie. If you get the correct answer, please share it with your friends and … Read more