WhatsApp Emoticon Riddle: What is The Girl’s Full Name

Try to answer this… Let’s see who gets it first Look at the symbol and guess the name of the girl. Boy: What is Your name? Girl: 100+🚰+🚗+🐅+👊=…. What is the girls full name? This was actually a Marathi Riddle that I received on WhatsApp and I translated it to English. The original riddle is … Read more

Funny Marathi Dialogues On Hollywood Characters

Check out this funny Marathi dialogues added to popular Hollywood movies. I am sure people who understand Marathi will absolutely enjoy these Memes created by Marathi Touch (Follow their Facebook page for more fun images) The Avengers speaking Marathi, isn’t that funny? Do leave your comments and let me know which one you like the … Read more