Test your general knowledge with today’s riddle. Which is the only country which had a flag with a single color? Green – Bangladesh Green – Libya Red – Russia Red – China If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.
Independence Day Riddle: How many colors in the Indian flag have?
Happy Independence Day to all the Indians around the world. How many colors in the Indian national flag have? If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.
General Knowledge: Which Year Did America Declare Itself An Independent Country?
Test your general knowledge. On which day and which year did America declare itself an independent country? If you get the answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp & Facebook, see how many of your friends are good at GK,
General Knowledge Test: What’s The Definition Of The Word “Principal”?
Test you general knowledge and english language skills with today’s riddle. What\’s the definition of the word “principal”? A. The first or most important. B. A value or rule governing behaviour. Share it with your friends on WhatsApp & Facebook.
General Knowledge Riddle: What Do The Following Have In Common?
How good is your general knowledge? Let’s put it to test with this general knowledge riddle. What do the following sentences have in common? 1. “Mr. Watson – come here – I want you to see you.” 2. QWERTYUIOP 3. “What hath God wrought?” Let’s see how well you know some historical events. (That’s a … Read more
Guess the word from the hints given; Air does not have any _ h _ _ _
Let’s start the Monday with some confidence boosting riddles. Here’s an easy one that you should be able to solve, the challenge is to solve it the fastest. Guess the word from the hints given; Air does not have any _ h _ _ _ (Five letter word with second word as ‘h’) How soon … Read more
Fun Logical Riddle: How Can the Donkey Reach 20 feet Away?
Think before you answer this one. A donkey tied to a 10 feet long rope manages to munch on a bale that is kept 20 feet away from him. How is this possible? Easy? had fun? why not share the fun with your friends? Share the riddle with them on Facebook and WhatsApp. Answer: The … Read more