Happy Valentine’s Day! Isn’t it romantic?! What do you do to prepare for your big Valentine’s date? Here a video which will show how exactly guys and girls prepare for their Valentine’s day date. Prepping for Valentine’s Day: Girls vs Guys Did you enjoy the video? Do share your feedback in the comments section below.
A Short and Funny Film For Valentine\’s Day: The Date
Here is a simple really short but fun film from iCandy Productions. A romantic dinner at home, a date with the girl of his dreams, a chance to woo the lady he loves…. but not everything quite goes to plan. The Date – A Short and Funny Film For Valentine’s Day Did you enjoy the … Read more
If Guys were Girls on Valentine\’s Day
What would happen if we switch the roles on Valentine\’s day?? Here\’s a video which will give you a gist of what will most likely happen. If Guys were Girls: Valentine\’s Day
A Brief History Of Valentine’s Day
The celebration of Valentine’s Day owes its existence to an ancient pagan ritual. With the spread of Christianity, priests had numerous heathen practices to deal with among their constituents. One of these ancient rituals was the Feast of Lubercus which they changed to St. Valentine’s Day changing the pagan practice of drawing girl’s names with … Read more
50 ways to Impress your Partner on this Valentine’s Day
Ok, so now that the Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. You can plan to show your love for your partner in a small and different way each day for a whole month and see what magic happens. Here is a list of 50 things you can do to express your love. If things … Read more