Test your general knowledge with this riddle. What do you call the end of a loaf of bread? If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.
Picture Riddle: Count the Number of Squares & Triangles
Leave your answers to the riddle in the comment section below. Count the number of squares and triangles in the given picture; If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.
Logical Riddle: How Will You Pay The Hotel Owner Daily?
Test your logical skills with this riddle. You arrive at a hotel where you need to stay for 7 nights. You have 3 sets of golden unbreakable rings. The first set of rings has 4 rings, the second set has 2 rings and the third only has one ring. The charge per night is one … Read more
Crack the Code: Find the 3 Digits of the Code II
Crack the code in the below Riddle & leave your answers in the comment section below. From the given hints in the riddle find the 3 digit code that would unlock the safe. 6 8 2 -> One number is correct and well placed 7 3 8 -> Nothing is correct 2 0 6 -> … Read more
Whatsapp Riddle: One Name Shared by A Bird, Fruit & Flower
Here’s a riddle that I got on WhatsApp today. One Name is shared with all the 3 names mentioned below; A bird’s name A fruit’s name & A flower name. If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.
Fun-day Riddle: How Many Pages Has Emily Written?
Have Fun with this easy Riddle. Try to answer it without a calculator. See how fast you can get the answer. Emily has completed 68% of her 250-page book. How many pages has she written? If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.
Logical Riddle: Who Came First In The Race?
Use your logical skills to solve this riddle. Jim, Catherine, Michele and Pete have participated in the school race. The results are as follows; Jim beats Catherine Michele beats Pete & Pete beats Jim Who came first in the race? If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and … Read more