This is a viral riddle that you must have received on WhatsApp. Once in a while we get a riddle to which no one knows what the exact answer is. because we can’t track what the creator of the riddle had on his mind. This is the similar kind of riddle which one of the … Read more
Solve to Get the Right Answer: Apple + Mango + Banana = ?
People on WhatsApp are getting creative they now create images with fruits or other objects instead of x and y to add fun to boring math problems. Here’s one with Apples, Mangoes and Bananas. See the image and solve the equation to get the value of ? So were you able to solve the riddle? … Read more
Find the Next Number in the Series: 8 = 88, 7 = 70, 6 = 54, 5 = 40, 2 = ??
For all the mathematical geniuses here is a Numerical Riddle. A series of equations are mentioned and you need to find the value of the next number i.e.?? 8 = 88 7 = 70 6 = 54 5 = 40 4 = 28 2 = ?? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your … Read more
Whatsapp Riddle: A couple went for picnic
Question asked in UPSC Exam A couple went for picnic. They have 5 sons and each son has 7 sisters and each sister has 3 babies. So in total how many people went for the picnic? Solve quickly without Calculator. So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section … Read more
Fill in the Blank with the Correct Word: Robert’s father is Mark
Hint: This looks like a tough one at first instance, but actually is an easy and solvable puzzle. Fill in the blank with the correct word. Robert’s father is Mark. Then Mark is the ________of Robert’s father. Just read it carefully and you will get the answer. So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your … Read more