This is IAS exam question. Try to answer it. It’s very simple, just read carefully n answer. A cowboy arrives in town on Sunday. He stays for 3 days and then leaves on Sunday. How is that possible……?? Only genius can answer…..!! Try answering it….!! So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your … Read more
Mr. Ryan went to the Market with his Dog
I got 2 forms of these Riddles, both are interesting so adding both of them here. Guess the answer after reading the Riddles. 1. Crack d below question .. Mr. Ryan went to the Market with his Dog.. He rode on a horse to the Market. But walked till the market. The horse’s name was … Read more
Whatsapp Riddle: A couple went for picnic
Question asked in UPSC Exam A couple went for picnic. They have 5 sons and each son has 7 sisters and each sister has 3 babies. So in total how many people went for the picnic? Solve quickly without Calculator. So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section … Read more