Word Riddle Games: If You Remove The First Letter, A Bit Remains

Leave your answers in the comment section. I have one, you have one. If You Remove The First Letter, A Bit Remains. If you remove the second, bit still remains. After much trying, you might be able to remove the third one also, but it remains. Guess the word.

Word Riddle Games: I Stand Tall And Have No Eyes To See.

Read the hints in the riddle and guess the word. A hundred arms, a thousand fingers, I stand tall and have no eyes to see. What Am I? Were you able to guess the word? You can check your answer by clicking on the show answer link below. Did you get the correct answer? Then … Read more

Picture Riddle: How Many 9’s in the Given Image

This riddle should keep you busy for sometime. In the picture below, you will see there are lot of 8s. Among this 8’s there are some 9’s, can you find them? How many 9’s can you find in the image? When you find all the 9’s share it with your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook. … Read more

Word Riddle Games: It Can Come From Your Ears

Read the hints given in the riddle below and guess the word. People say it can come from your ears, it can also generate fear, some people love to do it, some people can’t stand it it’s not welcome in a house, it’s quiet as a mouse. What can it be?