Solving puzzles and riddles is an excellent way to exercise your brain. Here is a good exercise which will really sharpen your brain. If 1 – 3 + 4 = 100 4 – 6 + 9 = 999 2 – 6 + 7 = 879 Then; 3 -3 +6 = ? So were you able … Read more
Jokes, Puzzles, Riddles, Short Stories, Videos, WhatsApp Forwards and more
Solving puzzles and riddles is an excellent way to exercise your brain. Here is a good exercise which will really sharpen your brain. If 1 – 3 + 4 = 100 4 – 6 + 9 = 999 2 – 6 + 7 = 879 Then; 3 -3 +6 = ? So were you able … Read more
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