A lift is on the ground floor & there are 4 people in the lift including me. When the lift reaches 1st floor, 1 person gets out and 3 people get in. The lift goes up to the 2nd floor, 2 people get out 6 people get in. It then goes up to the next … Read more
Matchstick Riddle: Add 1 Matchstick to Correct the Equation
Find some matchsticks and put on your thinking caps to solve this riddle. Can you add a single matchstick to this equation to make it correct? Conditions: You can’t move any of the other matchsticks. Your matchstick has to touch one other match stick only. If you get the correct answer, please share it with … Read more
Riddle: Which One Of Them Would Have A Greater Area?
Use your mathematical and logical skills to solve this riddle. A square and a circle have the same perimeter. In such a case, which one of them would have a greater Area? A. Square B. Circle C. Both have same area. D. Insufficient Data. If you get the correct answer, please share it with your … Read more
Word Riddle: I Am A 6-Letter Word Which Means A Lot.
Read the hints given in the riddle and guess the word and leave your answers in the comment section below. I am a 6-letter word which means a lot. Take away one letter and only twelve remains. What is the word? If you get the correct answer, please share it with your friends and family … Read more
General Knowledge Test: Headquarters Of UNO Are Situated At?
Hone your general knowledge with this riddle. Headquarters of UNO are situated at A. New York, USA B. Hague (Netherlands) C. Geneva D. Paris If you get the correct answer, please share it with your friends and family on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.
Rebus Puzzle: What Do these Hints Mean?
Rebus are the kind of puzzles where you have to guess the words or phrases from the given set of pictures or hints. Given below are 4 hints from which you have to guess the words or phrases. 1. Lem Ade 2. TROUBLE 3. T U R N I T 4. N A E L … Read more
Logical Riddle: How Did the Prisoner Escape Safetly?
Think logically to solve this riddle. A cruel king was giving his prisoner a chance to escape. In order to escape he had to pick the yellow marbles out of a black jar. The king was so cruel that he put two green marbles in the jar instead of one yellow and one green. The … Read more