You well can you figure out how you are related to someone? Test your knowledge with this riddle. Pointing to a man, Mike said, “His son is my son’s uncle”, How is the man related to Mike? Select from the options below; Uncle. Brother. Father. Grandfather. So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave … Read more
Riddle: How Do They Get Baby Peacocks
How well do you know birds? The peacock is a bird that does not lay eggs. How do they get baby peacocks? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. If you get the correct answer, please share it with your friends and family on WhatsApp, Facebook … Read more
Why Were The Letters Y And Z Not Interviewed?
Answer this riddle. The alphabets of the English language were to undergo a test. The test was supposed to check the structure, usage and competence of all the English Letters. A whole day was allotted for this purpose. Each letter was interviewed for one hour in sequence and the interview. Letter A was the first, … Read more