Find the Next Palindromic Odometer Reading

Palindromic number is a number that remains the same when its digits are reversed. Here is a riddle related to that. A car speedometer reading shows 72927 km as the distance covered. 72927 is a palindromic number. What is the minimum number of kilometers when you would see the next palindromic number on the car … Read more

Find the Value of y From The Given Triangle

For those who want to brush up their geometry skill, you can try out this riddle. In the given triangle find the value of y. You can share it with your WhatsApp friends or WhatsApp groups to test the knowledge of your friends too. I hope you have fun. So were you able to solve … Read more

Tough Logical Reasoning Riddle: Who did it??

It’s time for a mind boggling puzzle. A man was killed in an office. At the time of murder there were only four people in the office; Mr. Reese, Mr. Bilbo. Mr. Gerry and Mr. Yang. When police asked them who did it they got the following statements from each one of them. After analysis … Read more

Find The Next Number In The Series. 286,96 ,54,20,__?

A challenge for mathematical geniuses. Very few are able to answer this right in one go. In the given series find the next number i.e value of ? Find the Next Number in the series. 286,96 ,54,20,__? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. You can … Read more