Word Riddle Games: Re-arrange the Scrambled Words

Have fun with this word riddle games. The words are scrambled and their meanings are mentioned in the brackets. If you get all 10 right your vocabulary is awesome. Here are the hints; 1: OKEYRWN (City) 2: KASNLRIA (Country) 3: RUBELPM (Profession) 4: DIKYEN: (Body part) 5: PITLU: (Flower) 6: TONPYHE (Animal) 7: NOMETARLEW (Fruit) … Read more

What Comes Next In The Sequence: 6, 30, 870, 756030, ?

Look at the sequence below and guess the next number, What comes next in the sequence; 6, 30, 870, 756030, ? No need to actually calculate you can just leave the logic or formula to determine the next number. Answer: 571580604870   Explanation: 6 * 6 – 6 =>30 30 * 30 – 30 => … Read more