Sharpen your logical skills with this riddle. There is a family of six people A, B, C, D, E & F. F and C are brother and sister. B is the brother of E’s husband. D is the father of A and grandfather of F. How many male members are there in this family? Answer: … Read more
Fun Maths Riddle: Find the Missing Number in The Table
Maths is fun and easy when it comes as a riddle. Look at the table given and find the value of the missing number. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 27 38 ?? Share it with your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook. Answer: The pattern in the box is; 3rd row x … Read more
Fun Maths Riddle: If 1 + 4 = 5; Then 8 + 11 = ??
Look at the equations and find the value of the missing number in the last equation of this riddle. If; 1 + 4 = 5 2 + 5 = 12 3 + 6 = 21 Then; 8 + 11 = ?? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment … Read more
Fun Math Riddle: Find the Value of Green Cup
An easy riddle which you will enjoy solving. In the picture are given some equations from which you can find the value of the cups and hence find the value of the green cup. Share the riddle with your friends on Facebook and WhatsApp so that they can have fun solving it too. Answer: Let us … Read more
What Comes Next in the Sequence; BCB, DED, FGF, HIH, ???
Solve this riddle and leave your answers in the comment section. What comes next in the sequence; BCB, DED, FGF, HIH, ??? JKJ HJH IJI JHJ Please share it with your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook if you like the riddle. Answer: The series follows the following pattern; If you just take the first 2 … Read more
Word Riddle Games: I Have No Bed To Sleep
Read the hints and guess the word. I have no bed to sleep nor do I have a palace to live. I don’t have a single penny with me, But still I am known as king. Who am I? Share it with your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook. Answer: A Lion is known as the … Read more
Word Riddle Games: Guess The Phrase
Look at the picture and answer the question. Guess the phrase from the picture . Share it with your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook. Answer: Rocking Chair. Did you get the correct answer to this riddle? Then challenge your friends with the picture. See if they can guess the answer.