Spot the difference in the given picture riddle. There are three Doraemon images in the given picture. One is slightly different from the other two. Can you tell which one and why? Share the riddle with your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook, when you find it. Answer: If you watch closely, you will notice that … Read more
Fun Riddle: Captain Cook is the Captain of the Ship
Find the answer for this Fun Riddle. Captain Cook is the Captain of the Ship. The Captain of the Ship is Captain Cook. What is the name of the ship So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. If you get the correct answer, please share it … Read more
WhatsApp Fun Word Riddles: Nobody Can Read Without Me
One more fun word riddle that you can share with your friends on WhatsApp and Social Media. Solve this WhatsApp Guess the word riddle. I have 9 letters……. Nobody can read without me…. 4+5+6 is an animal… 7 is me…. 3 is u… 2+8+9+1 is completed… Who am I? Do share with your friends Answer: … Read more
Word Riddle Games: What Has 2 Hands?
Read the hints in the riddle and guess the word; What has 2 hands, A round face, Always runs, But stays in a place? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. If you get the correct answer, please share it with your friends and family on … Read more
Challenge Your Brain: If A + 2 = 3 Then L – 6 = ?
Challenge your brain with this sequence riddle. See the equations and try to find the connection between them. Once you have done that it will be easy to find the value of ? A + 2 = 3 C + 3 = 6 F – 4 = 2 J – 5 = 5 L – … Read more
Fun Math Riddles: If 19 + 16 = 51, Then 10 + 10 = ?
Have fun with numbers. Go through the given equations and find the value of ? 19 + 16 = 51 13 + 13 = 24 12 + 12 = 18 11 + 9 = 33 10 + 10 = ? Solve this if you are a genius. Answer: The riddle has the following logic behind … Read more
What Can You See In The Picture: Apart From the Tiger Head :)
Here’s an amazing piece of art that will leave you Awestruck. What Can You See In The Picture? Look closer. So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. If you get the correct answer, please share it with your friends and family on WhatsApp, Facebook and other … Read more