Use your logical skills to solve this riddle. You have 2 soaps of equal weight and a ¾-pound weight. You can use a balancing scale for weighing purpose. When you place 1 full soap on one pan of a scale and 3/4 cake of soap and a 3/4-pound weight on the other, the pans balance. … Read more
Word Riddle Games: I Can Move While Sitting In One Place.
Read the hints given in the riddle and guess the word. I Can Move While Sitting In One Place. I can go up to 8 places in any direction. When I can no longer move, I have to get up and go. Who am I? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your … Read more
Brainteaser: How Did the History Teacher Die?
Let’s test how well you studied during your school days, with the help of this riddle. 2 Teachers walk into a bar. They both place their order with the bartender as; Chemistry Teacher: I will have H2O. History Teacher: I will have H2O, too. The History Teacher died as soon as he finished his drink. … Read more
General Knowledge: Guess the Name of the Structure in the Picture
Test your general knowledge about places with this riddle. Guess the name of the structure shown in the picture below; So were you able to guess the place shown in the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. You can check if your answer is correct by clicking on show answer link below. … Read more
Fun Word Brainteaser: Unscramble the Words
How good is your vocabulary? Find out with the help of this riddle. Unscramble the words to get words that we regularly use. 1. rcahegr 2. ntnteire 3. ogiln 4. aspsrdwo 5. kesatbraf 6. peels 7. psogsip 8. cfeaokbo 9. tswapap 10. rniteau 11. llepconeh 12. taad 13. ogoleg 14. aboredyk 15. lotpap So were … Read more
Fun Number Riddle: Find the Sum of the Weights
Look at the given equations in the riddle and find the value of ?. in the picture you will see dog, cat and rabbit faces representing their weights. From all the given information, find out the sum of their weights. So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section … Read more
Picture Riddle: How Can You Create 3 Quadrilaterals By Moving Exactly 3 Sticks?
Wear your thinking caps to solve this picture riddle. Look at the given figure and answer the question. How can you create 3 quadrilaterals by moving exactly 3 sticks? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. You can check if your answer is correct by clicking … Read more