WhatsApp Riddle: Find The Number of Animals in the Farm

Solve this riddle after reading the hints. One farm contains the following animals; 1 cow gives 1 liter milk. 1 buffalo gives 5 liter milk and 4 goats give 1 liter milk. You know that the number of liters of milk is equal to the number of animals in the farm. Can you find the … Read more

Guess the Word: My First Can Be Found In A TREE

Read the hints given in the riddle and guess the word. My first can be found in a TREE, but not in the FRUITS. My second is not PERMITTED, but certainly ALLOWED. My third is in GREY, if it is spelled the English way. My fourth is in PEA, but not in CARROT. Fifth is … Read more

Riddle: Why Did the Boss Fire the Watchman?

Read the Riddle and leave your answers in the comment section. After a heavy 4th of July meal, the night watchman went to work. In the morning, he told his boss he had dreamt that a terrorist would plant a bomb in the factory and that he felt it was possible as he knew the … Read more

What Is The Similarity Between the Moon And a Dollar?

Guess the similarity Riddle. What Is The Similarity Between the Moon And a Dollar? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. If you get the correct answer, please share it with your friends and family on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.